Saturday, March 22, 2014

I Always Say...

"That's a big part of my book about ____"  

But there's no book.  Not even a draft or an excerpt.

So here's the beginning of what may or may not ever turn into anything... A narrative about Taylor Swift and our love / hate relationship.  I use the terms love, hate, and relationship very loosely. Almost a year ago, a friend and I came up with a very entertaining list of titles for the book.  Do you think I can remember them now?  You know I can't.

Chapter One: "There's Gotta Be a Better Title than 'Chapter One'"

I had recently moved to Pittsburgh.  I joke around about how I used to have to drive "to Grandmother's house" to get to work.  You know... over the river and through the woods with an added bonus of up a hill and around some curves.  My cousin had made a CD for me and I listened to it faithfully, especially when I would get home sick.  There was just one problem:  The first half was all Taylor Swift.  I can get through some of her music without feeling nauseous.  "Picture To Burn" came on as I was crossing the Highland Park Bridge.  Next thing I know, my face is twitching, my shoulder's twitching.  I had what I have since referred to over a hundred times as a "Taylor Swift Seizure."  Something about her voice must get me in that way.

Take for example, instance number two.

I was at work hanging out in the garage with a couple of my residents.  One of which enjoys me finding and playing music on my phone.  No, it's not a smart phone, so essentially it was me finding ring tones that I thought he would enjoy, including a game we played frequently called "Guess the TV Theme Song."  Well, we had moved to Christmas Songs.  I have always liked the song "Last Christmas." And I saw a Taylor Swift version of this song.  Now, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, especially as it relates to Christmas, so I gave it a shot.  Would you believe that it turned into a bigger "seizure?"  I had an uncontrollable shoulder shrug / arm thing that resembled a fairly goofy dance and my residents still mimic it to this day.

The End of Chapter One As We Know It.

Well, that was traumatic for all of us, I'm sure.  But what we should focus on is that I made an effort to start something as opposed to procrastinating like I have done for almost an entire year. So, I challenge you to do something similar.  Find something that you may or may not be able to accomplish and make a valiant effort to initiate it.  It may be exactly what I did, making a small list to elaborate on later.  Even a to-do list is better than a mental note, right? I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.

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