Sunday, April 13, 2014

Celebration of Betrayal

Here it is, my piece from last year where I reflect on Palm Sunday and Holy Week. I apparently have no concept of copy and paste when it comes to Blogger, so here are some festive colors (hopefully).

"Celebration of Betrayal" 

Yep, here we are again....the most intense week of the year.  Today is Palm Sunday -- the most symbolic "Best Day Ever" Christians will probably ever want to celebrate.   Now, I know you're thinking "well, Christmas, duh..." But no, there was no PARTY on that day...  Palm Sunday is the Christian Party Day. Today's the day Jesus comes riding in on the donkey, everyone hoopin' and hollerin' and carryin' on as if nobody else in the world matters at that particular point in time.  We need this day.  This day sets off the seed of darkness (I call it red and black, but I don't expect a bandwagon on that one) and gets the ball rolling on the most epic stories ever told. 
Here's Jesus coming in to celebrate Passover.  He gets a young donkey and rides it into town.  Palm branches just swaying, and praises coming from the crowd.  "Hosanna!" "Blessed is the King of Israel!"  (John 12:13). I'm imagining something of a JFK scenario here.  A man of the people meeting with the people, probably waving and showing gratitude as any loving messiah would do.  But in the back of his mind, that seed of doubt is rooting.  I mean, he knows why he's there - don't get me wrong.  I'm just saying that had Palm Sunday not went so "Best Day Ever," that fear we see in Jesus later in the week may not be so strong. 
But here we are...  Palm Sunday.  Party of the year. You get where you're going and you say, "wow that was AWESOME!"  Cue the Red and Black.  This party becomes just a blur. 
Role Playing Time.  Put yourself at dinner with 12 people that you absolutely trust no matter what.  People who would take beatings, things thrown at them, and not give up on being YOUR friend, no matter who told them what about you or calls them foolish for hanging out with you. You have absolute undefinable respect for these people.  You show your gratitude by humbling yourself in front of them.  By becoming a servant to their needs.  You look around the room...and there....THERE'S THE ONE!  YOU KNOW THAT FACE!  THAT'S THE ONE WHO IS SEALING YOUR FATE -- BOUGHT OUT BY A BRIBE IN A MOMENT OF MISTAKEN PRESTIGE.  This person, now you see him, is what?  A Friend?  A Foe?  Welcome?  Still?  Really?  You're that close.  You become a servant to him. You look him in the eyes, you see his see him wondering if you know...Oh yes, you know! But you keep going.  This man is going to be famous, that's what he wants. He wants to be the one who turned you over to the authorities for being who you say you are.  If you stop him, you came to this world for nothing.
As the guest of honor even yet, you make a toast.  You tell your friends, "I'll see you on the other side."  And, "Don't you forget about me," and of course you just have to tell them that one of them will have your blood on his hands for the rest of his life. 
I couldn't imagine being in the room with the person who was going to sell me out and give me up, and ultimately be the reason I wind up dead.  The seed of doubt is growing.  At this point, Jesus takes some of his disciples to his favorite spot to pray.  He asks them ONE thing.  ONE SIMPLE THING!  Stay up and wait for me.  Now look what happens.  They keep falling asleep. 
The next part happens so fast!  Coming out of prayer, kissed by Judas, seized by guards, someone loses an ear, "here let me put that back for you," blindfolds you and off into the night, and your Right Hand Man denies ever knowing you...three times.
We all know the rest of the story.  This is the part I get stuck on though.  How can one man spend so long teaching, healing, loving, and being such a role model that his closest friends stop their daily life.  They quit their jobs, they leave their families and just GO...with Jesus.  Such a strong belief.  Such a bond. And to give it all up for some silver coins or fear of persecution?  It's true though, isn't it?  The world we live in now... Betrayal.  Cheating.  Lying.  Scheming.  What can I do to get ahead?   And ultimately, that's what we are CELEBRATING this week.  We are celebrating that even those closest to Jesus were still human.  They had that "Free Will" we talk so much about.  Jesus Pardoned prisoners on the cross while he was dying.  He paid the ultimate price for our sins. 
"Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do!"   These words live on forever!  And we should do the same.   Without sin, there can be no forgiveness.  Forgiveness is the backbone of Love, Faith, and Hope.  Without Love, Faith, and Hope, we cannot forgive. 
Now as I am writing this, a song has come into my head.  And I believe it is God telling me to include it.  The song, I'm sure you're all familiar with... is a song that I've loved for as long as I can remember. And I feel like it could be the words of Jesus through Holy Week.  
I'm using this video because the original from last year has become private. I didn't see this video when I wrote this but I like that somebody has the some thought process as I do :) The Passion of the Christ.

 If you read this far, I truly appreciate it.  I woke up very much in the mood to write this down.  I love each and every one of you.  Please enjoy this holiday week, but please don't forget WHY we're here celebrating it. 

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