Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Out Of The Ashes We Rise

Into the Darkness You shine,
out of the ashes we rise, 
there's no one like You,
none like You. 

- Our God, Chris Tomlin

Here we are again, another year, another attempt at daily blogging. With any luck, this project will help me grow versus a vain attempt at drawing attention to the things I write. I have no "schedule of events" for the project. As you know, routine and planning are not my best friends. We are acquaintances, for sure, but we're definitely not married. Plans change, lives change. "Nothing is static, Everything is evolving. Everything is falling apart" (Fight Club).

Change. There's definitely been a lot of that going on in my life. Over the past 30 days, I've gotten a new car, new job, new schedule, new co-workers, etc. Few things remained the same, but the ones that have are solid foundations in the way I live. I did at one point feel like everything was falling apart. I got some strange news just before the new year that set a LOT of things in motion. Near the end of January as things got bigger and crazier I got news that my car was going to need enough work to pass inspection that it only made sense to set it free and begin a life of car payments and being "chained to the bank" so to speak. Next thing I knew, an employment opportunity I couldn't pass up set itself in my path. Anyways, before I knew it I was throwing around the word "new" like I had made it up.

But that's kind of the theme here for Lent, too, isn't it? Creating newness, promoting change, all for the greater good. For God. It's customary (necessary?) that we give something up for Lent, but I've always kind of gone against the grain. So I'm taking something extra on for Lent... at least lately with this blog. But I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm ready to do this again. For me. For God. Not "because I have to," or "out of routine," or "because it's on the schedule."

Here's hoping my eyes stay on the path, open to change, always aware that there's a Plan for me wherever I am in whatever I'm doing.