Thursday, February 19, 2015

Adios, Two and a Half Men

I wouldn't say there was a whole lot of quality TV in the show Two and A Half Men, but I will say watching it was a pretty amusing ride. I never really did stick with the show. Work schedules just never seemed to accommodate, plus other shows came and went on other networks. I started getting into the show mostly as a 6:30 / 7:30 time filler on Fox during the week when I was off.

I will admit that I didn't really buy into the whole second era of the show after Charlie Sheen left. I never really cared to delve into what the parameters were there, but it wasn't a show I was watching regularly when the new episodes came up. It was nothing against the people that stayed, or the people added to the show, it was just something about changing a dynamic of the show that pretty much set the tone.

Having said that, I wasn't overly impressed with the finale, but I wasn't disinterested either. It was exactly what people hoped for in a sense. I think deep down everybody won with the way it ended. I felt the closure I needed to, but then again I've seen maybe four episodes related to the past four years. I don't adjust well to change. You should know that about me by now.

The anger management bit was funny, the scenes from France were pretty funny, and the show was ultimately good for a laugh. And that's all I really wanted out of that show. So with a half disinterested solely based on my lack of involvement in the past four years, I wish the show adieu. Farewell, Two and a Half Men, it was a good run, and all runs eventually have a finish line.

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