Monday, January 27, 2014

Because everyone gets bored...

When I get bored... I should write.  Right? Right about this time on Mondays I reserve the right to be as bored as I can possibly get. So, today I write.

Look at me go. I'm writing. Doing that thing that I like to think I do best. How far will this travel? Probably not far. Then again, I can think of a "Show About Nothing" that went pretty how's about a blog about nothing?  I don't think it works that way.  The mind has to be too involved to read about nothing, whereas a TV show with no point can go on in front of you, you may or may not "pick it up" so to speak. It may or may not sink in.  But words...reading...that's a choice isn't it?

It's kind of amazing if you stop to think about it.  How much easier it is to filter what you read than what you hear or see on television. We live in a world of multitasking and vague focus, don't we?  And how much of what we actually let sink into our brains is even really worth the trouble -- or lack of trouble -- we put into engaging it?

Don't get me wrong, I love TV. Today I watched a daytime talk show just to see the cast of my favorite TV show.  But in my world, I only watch TV one night a week really. Most anything else is Netflix. Now look at me...trying to rationalize my mindless tasks.  But why can't we?  Everything in life isn't just an excuse to escape. Sometimes it's a way to look into a -- be it fictitious -- world where somebody somewhere is kinda sorta going through what we're going through, and you know it's going to work out because it's TV. And for a brief moment, you realize that if TV can create a happy ending, it must be a plausible way to want to live maybe.  It's got to be possible to be optimistic in life -- if somebody can CREATE it, in their minds or in real life, the thought alone puts all those "good vibes" out in the universe, right?

So let me do this for you.  If you've set your mind to paying attention, or trying to figure out, my crazy blog post for today, I'm going to tell you that the happy ending is possible. Be it as simple as trying to get out of a dead-end job in fast food, I believe you have what it takes to put the skills you learned into something bigger and brighter.  If you work in fast food, I commend you! You deal with people all day every day. And we're all those people.  The ones who don't like onions, but forget to ask for it without onions so we bring it back and complain, and you see the receipt says nothing about onions, yet you smile and fix it.  You're compassionate, you take your job seriously, and since you take it seriously, I will take it seriously as a customer to your fine establishment.

We all have bad days...or weeks....or as I can safely say entire months. We all need a rebuilding time. But, when you know that no matter what is going on in your life, it's probably  not all your fault, and it's OK to lean on people in your life, please know that there is ALWAYS some kind of happy ending.  I won't promise it to be what you want, I'm not the one with a plan for your life, but rational optimism will always see you from one end of the tunnel to the other.

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